I am so excited to welcome Meg, the Equestrian Yogini to the studio this September. Meg will be holding a weekly Vinyasa Flow class at 6pm on Wednesdays throughout September in my absence. She has space for 8 people per class and it will completely free to my members so book now to avoid disappointment as spaces are going fast.
Here’s what Meg says about her classes:
‘Deep Flow is a type of yoga that moves with the breath. My teaching style is more about the feel of the pose rather than the look. Making it suitable for all levels, using the posture to introduce you to parts of the body you’ve not met before and feeling your way through the practice, I shall take you on a journey through the body, searching out any tension and breathing through to release.
Building the internal heat you will find yourself flowing with breath into many different postures and ending in relaxation.
I bring in spiritual texts and the deeper meanings of life, causing you to think about your journey through this life and how to make the best of it.
We use pranayama (breathing exercises) to cleanse the body and clear the mind that lead us towards meditation and relaxation.
I’ll always add modifications and adaptations to the more challenging postures’.
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